SUNEX더 나은 삶을 추구하는 지반기술


sunex 에러메세지,,,선배님들 조언부탁드립니다 2006-03-31

sunex 초보자 입니다. 사무실에서 공부하는데
"range of parameter in soil data " 란 메세지가 뜨네요
물성치값이 잘못되었다고 그런것 같은데 어디가 잘못되었을까요??
제가 초보자라 봐도 잘 모르겟더라구요^^;;

PROJECT (anchor H=24.50m)

SOIL 1 매립층
2.02 1.80 0.90 0.50 30 2600
2 실트층
9.02 1.60 0.70 1.50 30 3000
3 실트질모래
13.02 1.70 0.80 0.50 34 3800
4 실트질자갈
19.52 1.80 0.90 0.50 38 5200
5 실트질모래
28.52 1.80 0.90 0.50 40 6000
6 풍화토
29.52 1.90 1.00 1.00 40 6500
7 풍화암
34.02 2.00 1.10 2.00 40 7000
8 연암
40.00 3.00 2.10 3.00 42 8000

VWALL 1 30.50 1.0 0.08333 2300000 1.0 1.0

ANCHOR 1 2.20 0.0003948 52 11.50 1.2 18.0
2 6.00 0.0003948 45 9.00 1.4 22.0
3 8.50 0.0003948 40 8.00 1.7 22.0
4 11.00 0.0005922 40 7.00 1.7 36.0
5 14.50 0.0005922 30 5.50 1.2 39.0
6 18.50 0.0005922 30 4.00 1.0 43.0
7 21.50 0.0005922 30 4.00 1.0 31.0

division 0.2
output 0

step 1 excavation to 3.20
iteration 10 0.1
rankine 1.0 0.0 33
surcharge 1.30
gwl 13.52 13.52 1.0
excavation 3.20

step 2 excavation to 7.00 and const anchor 1
const anchor 1
excavation 7.00

step 3 excavation to 9.50 and const anchor 2
const anchor 2
excavation 9.50

step 4 excavation to 12.00 and const anchor 3
const anchor 3
excavation 12.00

step 5 excavation to 15.50 and const anchor 4
const anchor 4
excavation 15.50

step 6 excavation to 19.50 and const anchor 5
const anchor 5
excavation 19.50

step 7 excavation to 22.00 and const anchor 6
const anchor 6
excavation 22.00

step 8 excavation to 24.50 and const anchor 7
const anchor 7
excavation 24.50
ground settlement
insertion check


작성자 : 비밀번호 :